Improving Students’ Speaking Skills by Using Duolingo Application
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This research aimed to find out the Improving Students’ Speaking Skills by Using Duolingo Application. The
subject of this research was a class which consisted of 31 students at eight grade of SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda
2022 Academic year. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) and the technique
of analyzing the data of this research was using quantitative data. The quantitative data were taken from the test
such as: Pre-test and Post-test to find the mean score of students speaking. It showed that the improving of students
speaking skills through Duolingo application could improve students speaking skills and could give an effect on
students speaking fluency. The students got more enthusiastic, active and interested in learning English language.
So, it can be concluded that the improving of students’ speaking skills through Duolingo application was effective
to improve their speaking fluency, pronoun, grammar, and comprehension.
This research is design to look at the problem in a class about how to fix the problem and improve Students
English skills.
The researcher did the research and got the complete data from all the research instruments.
Duolingo improves students' speaking skills. According to research, using Duolingo to practice speaking
improves speaking skills. The study found that the mean score increased in every cycle.
This research aimed to find out the Improving Students’ Speaking Skills by Using Duolingo Application. This
Research design is to look at the problem in a class about to fix the speaking skills and the researcher did the
research and got the complete data. From this conclusion Duolingo Application is works to help the teacher teach
the students in a class especially on their speaking ability.
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